
The Ö±²¥É«ÇéƬ Park Sixth Form


Ö±²¥É«ÇéƬwork in the Sixth Form

Students quickly notice the huge difference in rigour and style between GCSE and A Level.

Students quickly notice the huge difference in rigour and style between GCSE and A Level: Sixth Form classes are smaller, you will see more than one teacher per subject several times a week, and it is the responsibility of the student to prepare in advance for class.

Unlike GCSE, there is no prescriptive homework timetable. Students can reasonably expect homework every night in most of their subjects. We recommend that students spend a minimum of 4 hours per week for each subject they study outside of lesson time.

For this reason, prioritising your time and being organised are essential. You should make a habit of taking notes in class and writing them up at home, organising notes and files appropriately, and making good use of a diary or student planner, recording all work set and the deadlines by which it is due. Revision should be an ongoing process – you cannot afford to leave everything until Easter!

Balancing these new responsibilities can be difficult at first. If in doubt, prioritise progress in your A Level subjects over and above any other pursuits. The grades you achieve at the end of the Year 13 are the benchmark by which you will be measured throughout your working life. Try to limit the number of hours’ paid employment you do each week – 8 hours is the recommended maximum. Pace yourself, get lots of sleep, and if you feel overwhelmed, do not hesitate in approaching your Personal Tutor, Head of Year or Head of Sixth Form for help!

For further information, please refer to the PowerPoint presentation used on the Welcome to Sixth Form Evening for Parents, available on our Careers page.